Replace Your Ancient Punch Clock

Stop punching in and out the old fashion way with paper cards, expensive single-use hardware, and math at the end of each week. With TimeClock, your users update their statuses in the 21st century. We support iOS and Android tablets.


Users change their status by holding their badge with our barcode up to the screen. The interaction is quick and painless, with a satisfying beep and an indication on the screen of what happened. TimeClock will check out users that were in, and check in users that were out.


Choose from a number of our custom theme colors to match your company brand or even the room the tablet resides inside.

All the Power of Simple In/Out

TimeClock extends the Simple In/Out family, so all our landmark features are at your disposal. Your users' status update times are stored in the Simple In/Out cloud and are accessible from anywhere. We transport all the information safely and securely over SSL directly to View the current statuses of your users on your phone, computer, or television. Receive Notifications when users you follow update their status on your favorite device.


Reports allow you to view user punches in a number of ways on our website. With our TimeCard report, you can see the amount of time a user was in your office. See detailed breakdowns via our Timeline reports. Our Activity reports display a chronological list of updates across all of your users. All your data is exportable in spreadsheets, allowing you to do amazing things. Learn More

Automatic Updates via Beacons

When running on a tablet with Bluetooth 4.0 support (most iPads and some Android tablets), TimeClock can act as a Beacon in addition to performing its main functions. This works just like a hardware Beacon. When a user equipped with the Simple In/Out app on their iOS or Android device comes within Bluetooth range of the tablet, they can be instantly checked in without having to touch the device. When they leave range, they will be checked out automatically.

The low-energy needs and precision of Bluetooth make Beacons a great solution for places where regular Geofences don’t work well (e.g. locations with poor cell reception, multiple locations in close proximity to each other). Beacons also work great for places where the location physically changes (like conference centers, automobiles, etc).

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Tutorial Video ~ 3 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does TimeClock cost?

TimeClock is a free app for all companies with a Simple In/Out account. You can try Simple In/Out free for 45 days, so grab a couple co-workers and take it for a spin!

Does everyone have to use badges to use TimeClock?

While interacting with TimeClock only happens with a badge and our barcode, you are in complete control of who must use TimeClock and who may update their status on their own phone or computer without TimeClock. Users can use both or be restricted to TimeClock, it's your choice.

How does TimeClock differ from your other tablet app, FrontDesk?

FrontDesk shows your users and their current statuses on the device and allows users to swipe themselves to update. It handles both presentation and user updates. TimeClock only allows for user updates, but because it requires a valid badge with a barcode, users can only check themselves in/out.

Try Simple In/Out free for 45 days.
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